NY1 spot this morning

Tim from MUNY called me on yesterday and asked if we would be free at 7am to do a TV spot with NY1. I kind of had to laugh. That’s probably the only time of day that I could count on all of us having nothing scheduled.

So there were were at 6:30 on the mezzanine level of the Grand Central Station subway stop. I showed up with 4 coffees and donuts for all as per Stefan and Clifton’s request. Between the four of us we had had a total of 8 hours sleep!

Long story short:

Long story longer:
Everyone showed up with gifts. I had copies of the masters of our new record to share so I can get their feedback on it. I had my iPod with the sermon that Amy Staats laid down on Sunday. Clifton had roughs from the Coconino recording that Stefan and he were just touching up down in Phili. As we were setting up it was a sea of groggy un-slept faces with a swirl of headphones and much cheering about music.

The first step was for the camera crew to interview the wonderful Amy from Arts For Transit. They wanted us playing in the shot behind them but we couldn’t play too loud or the interview wouldn’t work. We are playing so so so softly. It was actually quite ridiculous! As soon as the camera went off we lurched radically in the direction of triple-forte. Thank heavens for just a moment.

The next step was for us to just do our thing and hopefully some people would stop so they could interview passers-by. At this point it is 7:15am! It was the quietest and most barren I’ve ever seen. I am proud to attest that they interviewed every single person who came by and they all had positive things to say. (or it was edited very favorably!!)

They went away for awhile to upload what they got and we had some time to kill. Listening to mixes and masters and laughing. When they came back it was time for my interview. They wanted the band playing behind us so the boys commenced a bluesy blues. I was surprised at how good it sounded in there. The acoustics were quite favorable. Anyway, they were setting up the camera… the lovely Stephanie Simon practiced her interview questions… she let me practice my answers and then after 5 minutes of this blues we were ready to start.

I turn around – “OK guys, that was just a rehearsal.” The music immediately fell apart! And then started again with a slightly more “avant-garde” edge. At one point Stephanie asked me about the happy music we play and how that must make people smile. At that exact moment the music behind me was the strains of a beautiful but beautifully sad and stately blues. I had a hard time fielding her question as I was pretty confused. Luckily, they didn’t include me shooting her a look! You know the look – the “hairy eyeball” – the look of: “wow, really?”

All in all it was very smiley and fun and light and I’m very happy with how it all turned out.

We’ll be in the same location tomorrow at 2pm for the actual Music Under New York Jazz Festival.

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