I just got back to town from Boston on the China Town bus. How come it costs me $22 to take a cab to LaGuardia but it only costs $15 to get to Boston? Anyway, I plan to write about our trip but maybe tomorrow.
For right now: Here is a video that Bill Phelps over at Moto took on his little camera last Friday. The audio isn’t great but you definitely get a sense for what it’s like at Moto . . . warm, cozy, old-time. It always feels like such a special place to me: like a slice of some romanticized Old New York.
The song is “Blue Nature” off our Alice McNulty album:
One more thing: Now that I’ve set that goal to have thirty new songs for the band come February, I’m writing a lot more. I was sleeping at Rob’s parent’s house near Boston and I actually dreamed another tune. It was the last dream I had as I was waking up and the music was real clear to me. I wrote it down right away and finished it up on the bus ride home. I love that!
I just happened to be in Boston Saturday and when I heard Gordon and the others were playing that night I had to stay.
The energy was really great even though the room was so packed you could barely swing out.
Glad I got to see you guys before I totally shipped out from the northeast.