My Frankie Manning Story

I only met Frankie Manning once but he made a huge impression on me the same way that any seemingly enlightened individual will make.

The context: I was taking swing dance lessons at Sandra Cameron in 2001. I had been there about six months and was taking a few classes a week. I was really into it and doing well but still very green and didn’t really know anyone in the scene. The first time I even heard about Frankie Manning was when the buzz at the school was that he was going to teach a special class and I would be a fool to miss it. I don’t fancy myself a fool so I signed up.

First Impression: Frankie was in his late 80’s at the time. Already older than both of my late grandfathers and yet he had a vitality, agility and magnetism that filled the room. I saw him dancing and noticed immediately the astounding economy of motion that he possessed. He was so graceful and seemed to be hardly doing anything even as his body was outlining wonderful shapes and his feet we sparkling the floor. My first impression was that of a Tai Chi Master or smiling monk.

The Class: I was just a beginner dancer at the time but knew that I was hooked after that class. His generosity and his level of instruction were generous and universal. I mean that he was giving basic universal truths about dancing and motion that were useful to everyone in the room regardless of level. I find this is also true of the greatest spiritual masters. Everything they teach is applicable no matter where you are on the path.

The biggest take away that I wish more dancers would respect: “Men, Get Low!” Use your knees. The woman is your queen. You want to get low enough so that you are always looking up to her. Get Low! Get Low! This was his big message of the day. His other message was for the ladies, “Ladies, even if you don’t want to be dancing with this guy… he’s down there treating you like a queen. Give him a show. Use it…”

Frankie, I only met you once but I can see how the whole world of lindy-hop revolves around your smile, your grace and your swagger! Be well! It seemed to me that you lived a life as if you were already in heaven. Carry on!

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