George Carlin sez…

George Carlin sez that, statistically speaking, somewhere in the world, right now, is the worst doctor. The worst. The absolute worst doctor practicing medicine right now is practicing medicine right now. Someone has an appointment with this doctor!

In related news, the worst street musician in New York is also in New York and right out there on the streets! I am usually not a hater. And even in this case, I am not technically hating this person although he is driving us bat-shit every weekend at the park! I do not know his name although I have seen him in the subways and on the streets for the last decade. I generally do my utmost to avoid this person and his music.

The music is the worst. Unintentionally out of tune. Unintentionally out of time. Botched notes. Hackneyed repertoire. Screechy tone regardless of which instrument he is playing. My emotions run in a circle between pity, frustration, disgust, anger, humor, and rage. Does this person get any positive feedback from his music? Does he make anyone happy? He is in his 60’s and a foreigner. I have to think that this is all he cares to do. He is persistent and ignores all obstacles to doing what he does.

Maybe this will be me one day. Too old to care. Too addled or infirm to play anything but poorly. But still persistent, tenacious and determined to continue doing what I love to do. If you see me in this condition, please promise me that you will tell me that I suck, that I am not helping anyone and that if I must keep playing music, I should do it in the privacy of my own home. Not that I’d listen or care.

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